This will suit commonly available (in australia) mad river canoes- Journey 156 Explorer 14 and explorer 16- may suit other models
When ordering replacement vinyl gunwale be sure to request the correct length – order rails longer than your canoe.
Canoes are measured straight down the keel line. Gunwales take a bit more circuitous route getting from end to end. Vinyl rails are available to fit canoes up to 17’6” long, depending on length of decks. All Mad River vinyl gunwales include an “L” shaped aluminum insert to add strength and structure to the rail and are pre-bent on a curve that will allow fit on a majority of canoes.
Canoe hull material can vary in thickness Composite (fibreglass or Kevlar® hulls) differ in thickness from Royalex® These gunwales are to fit triple tough roto moulded canoes like the Madriver Journey or explorer series in the TT material.
A complete re-rail installation will require 2 vinyl gunwales.
Vinyl gunwales are a unibody construction in which the inside and outside gunwales are incorporated into one piece. These gunwales include an internal “L” shaped aluminum insert to create the rigidity and stiffness required. Ensure it is in place prior to installation as it can move in transit
In most cases, the decks on vinyl-railed canoes can be saved and reused with your new rails.
This assumes the new rails have the same or similar profile and dimensions as the old rails. If you are replacing ash gunwales with vinyl, your canoe will require the addition of appropriate rotomolded decks and hardware.
Due to their length, vinyl gunwales cannot be shipped easily so there is no standard rate for shipping so theyare available for instore pickup or we can try and arrange freight to your location
MATERIALS REQUIRED: (for complete re-rail)
2 Gunwales of adequate length
70 +/- #8 x 1” self – tapping screws (quantity needed depends on length of canoe) (we do stock these)
8 HA/A612D Black rivets (or equivalent: Buttonhead aluminum rivets with aluminum mandrels) – This is for the Deck mounting
(5/32″ diameter); grip range: 3/16″ to ¼”; Hole diameter .160 to .164)
8 3/16” stainless flat washers
All above materials are available from Mad River Canoe Authorized Dealers
Rubber Mallet Electric Drill Non permanent Marker
Pop Rivet Gun 17/64″ Drill Bit Duct Tape
3/8″ Wrench 3/8″ Drill Bit 1/8” Square Drive Bit
7/16″ Wrench 13/64″ Drill Bit 20′ Tape Measure
Hack Saw 6 3″ C Clamps Putty Knife
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