Canoe & Kayak Guide to WA (Western Australia) 2nd Ed by Martin Chambers

$24.95 inc. GST


The Canoe and Kayak Guide to Western Australia is the only guide to Western Australia’s rivers, lakes and sea kayak trips. It details trips in areas between Esperance (in the South) and Kununurra (in the North) suitable for canoes, whitewater kayaks, and touring kayaks.

Whilst we had stock this book it is out of print. It is likely that this guidebook will not be reprinted. We will not get any new stock as a result. This page exists only to provide information.

Other resources exist for paddling in WA including the Walpole Water Trails book Trails West online guides.  Department of Transport also publish free nautical maps detailing water, car parks and other facilities of major Dams, rivers and coastal locations, primarily aimed at boats they have a lot of good info for kayaks too. Check out the swan river one here

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